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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
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Summary of Crusades in 2007

Advancing toward the Salvation of 10 Million Souls
A Profile of Dr. Cho's 30 Years of Missions in Japan

This year Dr. Cho, president of DCEM, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ministry. On behalf of world missions, he spearheaded the Full Gospel message of the Fivefold Gospel and the Threefold Blessing. Through his ministry during the past 50 years, the Holy Spirit has continually poured out His grace and miracles on people around the world.

Dr. Cho started his ministry in 1958 in a tent church with only five members. He has overcome all kinds of difficulties to build Yoido Full Gospel Church (750,000 members), which has become the largest church in the world. During his 50 years of ministry, he has focused on world missions. He has considered the world as his parish, preaching the Gospel and emphasizing the ministry of the Holy Spirit and prayer. Especially in 2007, Dr. Cho made a concerted effort to evangelize Japan.

In his 44 years of missionary ministry, he has concentrated on the mission work in Japan for 30 of these years. He has especially worked with all of his heart and strength to bring 10 percent of the Japanese population to Christ through radio and TV broadcasts, through church planting and Bible schools, and especially through the annual Jesus Festival. To fulfill Jesus' last commandment to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, Dr. Cho has been running with all his might to reach 10 million Japanese for Christ. The Jesus Festivals emphasize how his missionary work has been revealing God's majestic love and concern for Japan.

* March 27 : The spring revival meeting at Full Gospel Tokyo Church

On March 27, 2007, a one-day spring revival meeting with Dr. Cho was held at Full Gospel Tokyo Church, a main base to help bring ten million Japanese to Christ. The spring revival meeting, organized by Full Gospel Tokyo Church and sponsored by DCEM, was crowded with members from nearby Japanese and Korean churches as well as from Full Gospel Tokyo Church. The pastors from Nippon Revival Association (NRA) and the missionaries from Korean Missionary Association (KMA) joined together for this meeting.

Commemorating Dr. Cho¢¥s 30-year anniversary of missions in Japan, the revival meeting was held to refresh and bless the members of Japan Full Gospel Association who have endeavored to bring 10 million Japanese to Christ. The meeting was blessed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The main sanctuary and adjacent hall of Full Gospel Tokyo Church was crowded one hour before the revival meeting began, with people waiting to hear Dr. Cho¢¥s message. Even the stairs connecting to the third and fourth floors were overflowing with people.

Prior to Dr. Cho¢¥s message, Rev. Sungsoo Kim, senior pastor of Full Gospel Tokyo Church, led in a time of prayer for God¢¥s help to bring 10 million Japanese to Christ.

While celebrating the 30-year anniversary of missions in Japan, the attendees fervently prayed for a successful Jesus Festival to be held in July, for God¢¥s help to bring 10 million Japanese to Christ, and to evangelize Japan. They also prayed for the growth and revival of Full Gospel Tokyo Church.

Meanwhile, Rev. Sungsoo Kim commented, "The purpose of this spring revival meeting with Dr. Cho has been to plant strength, courage, dreams, and hope in Japanese Christians, and it has become a precious time once again to encourage unity among the churches to lead 10% of the Japanese population to the Lord."


* July 16 : 2007 All Japan Jesus Festival

The 2007 All Japan Jesus Festival was held at Makuhari Messe Event Hall in Chiba, Japan on July 16 to commemorate Dr. Cho¢¥s 30 years of missionary work in Japan.

The All Japan Jesus Festival was sponsored by David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM), Dr. Cho¢¥s planning organization for his overseas crusades, and prepared by Nippon Revival Association (NRA), Korean Missionary Association (KMA), and Full Gospel Businessmen¢¥s Mission Federation. Seven thousand people attended from all over Japan.

The Makuhari Messe Event Hall where the Festival was held was jam-packed with people who filled all the seats (including the center aisle) one hour before the festival started. When the Jesus Festival began, the people celebrated and blessed Dr. Cho for his 30 years of missionary work in Japan and fervently prayed for an explosive work of the Holy Spirit to once again be manifested in Japan through this Festival.

The 2007 All Japan Jesus Festival was the 13th gathering since the first Jesus Festival held at Edogawa in Tokyo in 1996. The Jesus Festival is the largest Protestant meeting ever held in Japan to evangelize the whole country, by bringing together major Japanese denominational churches under the sponsorship of DCEM.

The largest Festival held so far, the 2007 All Japan Jesus Festival proceeded in two parts, with 7000 people attending from 100 churches and organizations. The first part included a praise festival prior to Dr. Cho¢¥s message. There were musical presentations from Full Gospel Chiba Church, Mikuni Church, Full Gospel Osaka Church, Kanajawa Christ Church, a tambourine dance team, and a praise team from Yamato Calvary Chapel.

The second part started with praise by the Youngsan Singers from Full Gospel Tokyo Church, followed by an opening declaration by Rev. Sungsoo Kim (Full Gospel Tokyo Church), opening prayer by Rev. Funatsu Yukio (Kanakawa Christ Church), and the introduction of the speaker by Rev. Tsugumichi Ohkawa (Yamato Calvary Chapel). Dr. Cho preached.


* November 20 : The third DCEM Church Growth Seminar

In order to learn the keys to Dr. Cho¢¥s ministry and church growth, Japanese pastors gathered together for the third DCEM Church Growth Seminar. It was held at Osaka Central Public Hall in Osaka, Japan on November 20, to encourage church growth and to bring 10 million Japanese to Jesus.

Nearly 1000 people attended the third DCEM Church Growth Seminar including Japanese pastors, Bible college students, Korean missionaries in Japan, and attendees from 100 nondenominational churches from the Nippon Revival Association (NRA), Korean Missionary Association (KMA), Korean Council of Churches in Japan, and from Japan Full Gospel Association.

This was the third DCEM Church Growth Seminar in Japan. The first seminar was held at Yamato Calvary Chapel on June 6, 2006, and the second one was held at Nippon Seinen-kan Hall in Tokyo on September 19, 2006.

With a goal to bring 10% of the Japanese population to Jesus through the growth and revival of Japanese churches, the following people lectured at the seminar: Rev. Tsugumichi Ohkawa (Yamato Calvary Chapel), Rev. Yoshinobu Murakami (Charis Chapel), and Dr. Cho.

The seminar was held from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 in the afternoon. It was a precious time for Japanese churches and pastors to be freshly encouraged and challenged to have dreams and visions for the salvation of Japan.

Elder Shigemasa Shigaki, executive director of DCEM, explained, "The reason we are holding this seminar with guest speakers as well as Dr. Cho is to ignite the fire of revival by uniting 7,000-8,000 Japanese churches through those with leading roles in revival among the churches of Korea and Japan. Also, we want to help inspire new visions and goals in pastors and church ministries who can help achieve these goals."

The all-day seminar was held in two parts. The morning speakers were Rev. Tsugumichi Ohkawa, who leads the largest church in Japan, and Rev. Yoshinobu Murakami, president of Nippon Revival Association (NRA).


66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006

Daily Bible
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war."

2 Chronicles  16:9


---------------- DAILY QT (Quiet Time) --------------------

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